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Sewing Workshop St Elisabeth Convent

For more than 15 years, the workshop has been designing, sewing and creating beautiful vestments, which are beloved by the clergy throughout the world. Today, the sewing workshop is one of the largest in the convent.
The workday always begins with prayer and only afterwards, the physical work begins. The items are created based on a combination of ancient artisanship and modern technology.

There are about 60 people who work in the embroidery workshop, including includes designers and cutters, tailors and embroiderers.
There are several specialized departments. This includes vestments for clergy, baptismal and wedding sets, items for funerals, headwear, towels, and finally clothing for laypeople.

Every job requires knowledge, effort and attention to detail; some are more complex to produce than others are. For example, in order to create the vestments for a priest one is required to select the proper materials, make sure of its quality, embroidery and even take into the account local traditions of the place for which the vestment is created.