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Easter gift giving - it is not just about eggs!
What name could rightly describe the grandeur of Orthodox Easter? Christ rose from the dead and changed the course of human history more than any other event that ever happened. The Greek word for Easter, Pascha, translates as ‘deliverance’. Christ resurrected to spare us from sin and death and gave us the gift of eternal life. Not even naming it the feast of feasts would do full justice to the glory of the Great and Holy Pascha.
Weeks and months have been spent in its anticipation. The long journey of the Great Lent, with its trials and temptations, is coming to an end. The hard work to bring our houses in order is over. The willows blessed at Church on Palm Sunday are in the water ready to bud. Soon the joyful ringing of the bells will announce the Resurrection, and soon we can consecrate and enjoy the treats that we had prepared in advance – the cakes and the Easter eggs.
"Christ is risen!" "Truly He has risen." We hear the exchange of greetings everywhere, even among strangers. The Paschal days are a great time to visit friends and family and share the joy of the Resurrection with them. No visit goes without an exchange of Easter presents. While eggs are the most common form of gift exchange, there is also a long-standing tradition of giving small gifts – it is not all about eggs!
If you are still uncertain about what to give, a visit to our online might give you some ideas. Here are some Christian Easter gifts you might consider: a resurrection icon, a disc with the Easter hymns sung beautifully by one of our choirs, a children's book, or an Easter toy. For your happy encounters, why not choose something from our collection of Easter linens to decorate your table and give your company a warm welcome? Easter decorations would be a good way to add colour to your home, so getting some glass angels might be a good idea. Besides, they would make a good gift to exchange with someone else.
In Russia, old Easter traditions include delivering gifts and Easter supplies to poor families, relatives, orphanages, hospitals and prisons. It is also believed that Christ and the Apostles travel the earth between Easter and the Ascension dressed as poor and needy. That is their way to test people for mercy and kindness. If Easter is a celebration of God’s love for all people, gift-giving is one of its expressions. What else could make this world better than if we all let the love flow freely? For it is a love that keeps no records of right and wrong. And it does not keep a score.
Christ is risen! Happy Easter!
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