The Importance of Spending Time Together

When was the last time you and your partner spent uninterrupted time together? Was it last week? Yesterday? Or just too long ago to remember? At this point in the year, we are celebrating, baking, mailing cards, buying gifts and decorating our homes. All these tasks alongside an already full life complete with work, children, home and other responsibilities. There is just so much occupying our minds during this busy season of the holidays and as such, it is incredibly easy to get caught up in the commotion of it all.
I believe that one of the greatest gifts we can give each other this holiday season is the gift of our time. Uninterrupted, undistracted, committed and invested time with others. Seems so easy, right? Set aside our time for others. But, interestingly enough, it’s the hardest of the love languages to give because it requires a real, in the moment, sacrifice. It’s much easier to drop the occasional “I love you,” or reach over and give the person you love a hug or send them flowers. But, to give our time and attention to someone we love, it truly requires sacrificing something else in our day and isn’t there always something else we could be doing?
Attempt this week to turn off your phones, your computers, your televisions and your mental to do list and choose instead to sit down with someone you love. Truly invest your focused attention on simply being with that person, having no other agenda in mind. Delight in the magic of truly being with another person that God has blessed you with during this holiday season. Savor the gift of one another…
“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!” (Romans 15:5-6)
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