July 6, 2021 810 2 Paxton Smith and the Global Culture of Loss and Disorientation Paxton Smith, a high school valedictorian from Texas, gave an abortion rights speech at graduation that went viral on the Internet. Swapping the agreed…
October 21, 2020 193 1 Will Our Children Keep the Faith? The Catastrophe of Modern Education I have already written on multiple occasions of the urgent necessity of creating Orthodox parish schools in America. Our…
September 19, 2020 697 0 Should I Marry a Non-Believer? Archimandrite Savva (Janich), Abbot of Dečani Monastery (Serbia) replies. Q: Father Savva, please answer the following question. What to do for a woman who…
July 14, 2020 356 0 Getting Married I was 27. I had a good job, a higher education (and a half), and a cat. I wanted to get married. I accidentally…
July 13, 2020 256 0 Why Do Our Children Become Out of Control? Once again they will say that this monk should mind his own business, but nowadays it is a crime for anyone to keep quiet…
June 19, 2020 676 1 Practical Tips: How to Make the Right Choice of an Orthodox Spouse? First of all, you should figure out what Orthodoxy is for him/her. To begin with, it is enough to look at the pages of…
June 17, 2020 737 0 Holy Fathers on Marriage As it is impossible that a man who is chaste despises his wife and ever neglects her, so it is impossible that a man…
June 12, 2020 232 0 The Desire For a Woman: Someone Else’s Wife vs. Your Own Wife Matthew 5:27-32 The apostle Paul continues to unravel the connection between the knowledge of God and morality. We find that after the coming of…
June 9, 2020 446 1 Do We Need Monogamy in Today’s World? Myth Monogamy is outdated. Religious demands for loyalty made sense when there were no effective remedies for unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, and…
June 8, 2020 154 1 Don’t Put Pressure On Your Child All who go to church must be in love with Christ so that others can notice it. Do we not say: “Love cannot be…