March 14, 2022 574 0 Is It Necessary to Limit Marital Relations in Lent and How to Do It? Pastoral Advice The Church does prescribe limiting intimate relationships during Lent, but we need to understand that there are at least two sides to every story….
October 28, 2021 269 0 “Why Does He Lie to Me?” A chubby woman with a round face came to me complaining, “Father, my son is a liar. Can you imagine that?” “He lies to…
October 13, 2021 250 0 “Why Wait?” or Tearing into a Christmas Present before Christmas One question that young singles often ask when confronted with the Church’s traditional teaching that one should not engage in sex until marriage is…
September 24, 2021 252 0 “You Have to Be a Fool to Become a Priest, Dima. You Know There’s No God”. A Priest Reflects on Common Mistakes Christians Make Trying to Lead Their Parents to Faith Many believers will agree with me that the most difficult thing for a new convert is to cope with the desire to bring his…
September 20, 2021 1431 0 3 Secrets of a Happy Marriage from Sts Peter and Febronia Sts Peter and Febronia are two spouses considered the patron saints of the Christian marriage. Their name day is commemorated as the Feast of…
September 17, 2021 897 0 A Brief History of the Order of Church Marriage The scripture refers to marriage and family multiple times. It presents an account of its institution (Genesis 1:28), describes its nature (Genesis 2:24, Matthew…
August 12, 2021 58 0 Little Eagles Camp — Building a Christian Community This year, Saint Elisabeth Convent launched its Little Eagles Camp initiative to give children aged 7 – 14 an opportunity to spend an exciting…
July 23, 2021 448 0 Why Do People Lose Their Love? About the Spiritual Leaven of Marriage Clearly, love cannot be ‘lost’ ipso facto. Anything less than eternal has no right to be called love. Love is when two persons unite…
July 21, 2021 685 0 Is “Gentle Upbringing” Wrong? Why do we scold our children? I will begin by citing a fragment from the memoirs of my teacher, academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachov. He…
July 6, 2021 811 2 Paxton Smith and the Global Culture of Loss and Disorientation Paxton Smith, a high school valedictorian from Texas, gave an abortion rights speech at graduation that went viral on the Internet. Swapping the agreed…