November 16, 2021 315 0 Understanding Hellfire (and Ways to Avoid It) by Christian Thinkers The Gospel is widely available these days, but even if it wasn’t, the two possible images of afterlife that it describes are known even…
February 5, 2021 758 0 Praying with Attention — a Summary of Advice from Saint Theophan the Recluse Staying focused and attentive in prayer is a common difficulty for many Christians. We often ramble in our thoughts as we pray; sometimes, we…
December 18, 2020 698 0 Fifteen Quotes from Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk 1. We are blessed, for our Lord has come. He has come for our sake. He likened himself to His people and came to…
September 22, 2020 229 0 Holy Fathers about the Inner Struggle “… There are two watchful guards that a warrior of Christ should constantly resort to sobriety and discretion. The former is turned inside a…
August 30, 2020 660 0 Holy Fathers on Love for Your Neighbor Saint Ephraim the Syrian Without love, everything is unclean. If someone keeps his virginity, if he fasts or stays alert, if he prays or…
August 16, 2020 258 0 Holy Fathers on Carrying One’s Cross To take up your cross is to submit willingly and diligently to the privations and strains that curb the unspoken desires of our flesh….
June 17, 2020 733 0 Holy Fathers on Marriage As it is impossible that a man who is chaste despises his wife and ever neglects her, so it is impossible that a man…
June 13, 2020 1910 0 May an Orthodox Christian Celebrate Their Birthday? “It would be good to say a prayer to the Lord on your birthday. You should not just read it, but feel it” Bishop…
June 12, 2020 125 0 “Seven Times Shall He Rise Again” “So the Lord said to Joshua, ‘Rise up! Why is it that you have fallen on your face?’” (Jos 7:10) A man asked a…
June 11, 2020 1078 0 15 Quotations from Saint Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) Physical fast helps us to repent and be saved, because, as we have already seen, gluttony is the mother of all other passions and…