May 4, 2020 2409 0 The Holy Fathers on Death Even death is afraid to approach the one who fears God, and then only comes to him when told to separate his soul from…
April 14, 2020 465 0 Holy Fathers on Spiritual Delusion The source of spiritual delusion, like any other evil, is the devil, not some kind of virtue. The beginning of delusion is pride, and…
April 3, 2020 477 0 Advice of St. Nicodemus the Hagiorite on Temptations The time of Lent is a time of temptations and spiritual perfection at the same time. If we are to resist temptation and thus…
February 18, 2020 3743 0 15 Quotations of Holy Fathers about Love Saint Basil the Great 1. A fearful man is still a slave, whereas the one who has become perfect in love has already reached…
February 12, 2020 374 0 St. Basil the Great: “Do Not Sink Back!” Make the effort to rise from the ground. Remember the good Shepherd who will follow and rescue you. Whether you are wounded in both…
February 6, 2020 7023 0 15 Quotes of Guidance from Saint Anthony the Great 1. If we make every effort to avoid death of the body, still more should it be our endeavor to avoid death of the…
July 30, 2019 258 0 How to Understand Difficult Bible Passages All Orthodox Christians are supposed to read the Holy Scriptures and learn God’s wisdom from it. However, if we do not just want to…
June 13, 2019 342 0 St. Theophan the Recluse: Why We Have to Ask God (Acts 25: 13-19; John 16: 23-33). Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you (John 16: 23). The…
June 9, 2019 120 0 Theophan the Recluse on God’s Nature (Acts 20:16–18, 28–36; John 17:1–13) Arius denied the divinity of the Son of God and his being of the same nature as his Father….
June 6, 2019 680 0 Elder Paisios the Athonite Prescribed This Remedy For All Kinds of Illnesses and Problems Bishop Job (Smakouz) on Elder Paisios and spiritual warfare. Volume 3 of Elder Paisios the Athonite’s works deals with spiritual warfare. We Are Here…