December 17, 2024 722 3 There Are Three Women Mentioned in the Saviour’s Genealogy. What Does This Mean? On the penultimate Sunday before Christmas, the Church remembers all the Old Testament righteous saints and relatives of the Saviour. These were people who…
October 8, 2024 389 1 The Mysteries of Matthew’s Gospel: Was It Really Written Before the Others? The New Testament opens with the Gospel of Matthew. Does this suggest that the Apostle Matthew wrote his account before the other evangelists? Or…
May 10, 2024 229 1 Three Days Preceding Pascha: Insights into Holy Week Is everything in the Gospel account of Holy Week, from Christ’s crucifixion to His resurrection, perfectly clear? Many have questions and uncertainties about these…
October 24, 2023 431 1 Understanding the Meaning of Christ’s Words in Matthew 5:29-30 How should we interpret Christ’s words when He says, “If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from…
September 14, 2023 96 0 Thoughts for Each Day of the Year by Saint Theophan the Recluse 15th Week after Pentecost. Church New Year (Luke 4:16-22) The Lord did not merely proclaim the acceptable year; He also ushered it in. Where…
August 1, 2023 593 1 Why Does Christ Liken Himself to the Door to a Sheepfold? And to Which Little-Known Fact Does It Relate? In his Gospel, Christ returns multiple times to the theme of a shepherd and the sheep. In one of His parables, He draws this…
April 6, 2023 687 0 The Mystery of Christ’s Parable of the Lost Drachma: What Was So Special about This Coin? In his parables, Christ often touches on the subject of money. Among such parables is the story of the lost coin. It tells of…
December 30, 2022 690 1 Genealogy of Christ: What Are the Mysteries Behind the List of 42 Names This list of more than forty names includes both righteous and sinners. What were these people famous for? Why would a modern Christian want…
December 6, 2022 782 0 These Books Could Have Entered the Canon of the New Testament The New Testament canon as we know it includes 27 books. It was compiled by St. Athanasius of Alexandria in 367, and affirmed by…
September 20, 2022 285 2 Mary’s First and Final Sermon It is the feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos. As we commemorate it at Church, let us recall her only sermon brought to…