St. John the Wonderworker on Wearing Lipstick to Church

It is the responsibility of the clergy and, in particular, of the parish rectors to insure that those who wear lipstick do not venerate icons, the Cross, or anything holy, leaving lipstick marks on them. A notice to this effect should be posted near the entrance of the church, an, in sermons, it should repeatedly be explained that it is a great sin to defile something holy by such contact. Women should refrain from wearing lipstick to church or not venerate anything. In any case, they should not commune Christ’s Holy gifts without having thoroughly washed their lips.
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  1. Must admit this is one of my biggest peeves re: church etiquette. I absolutely HATE seeing unsightly lipstick/lip balm marks on the icons, even if there is a glass to protect the icons. People ought to wait until AFTER Liturgy to put on lipstick. Glad to see a saint has said something about this.

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