On Mid-Pentecost we can hear the Lord appealing to us: “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink” (John 7:37).
If so, then let us all come to Him. Whatever you are looking for, you will find it, if only it is not against God’s spirit. Those of you, who are looking for knowledge, come to the Lord, for He is the only light, which truly enlightens any person. Those of you, who are looking for purification from sins and relieving their conscience, come to the Lord, for He nailed the sins of the world to the wood and torn the scribes that contained them.
Those of you who are looking for spiritual peace, come to the Lord, for He is the treasure, having which you will make you forget about any loses and despise any wealth only to possess It. If someone needs strength – He has any strength. Glory – He has the glory of the whole world. Freedom – He is the One Who grants the true freedom. He will settle down all our inconveniences, He will break the bonds of passions, He will defeat any sorrows, will help us to overcome any difficulties, temptations and our enemy’s plots. He will smooth the way of our spiritual life. Let us all come to the Lord!