Sometimes people baptized in a particular faith decide to switch to another confession or even a different religion. Is it a sin to convert? Can a Catholic convert to Orthodoxy?
How to convert to Orthodox Christianity?
Becoming Orthodox is easy for those who desire it in their hearts. The most important condition for this is professing the faith of the Orthodox Church. Other conditions depend on how far your Christian denomination has departed from the Orthodox faith and tradition. In some cases, it is sufficient to participate in the sacrament of Repentance, while in others it is necessary to be catechised (undergo preparatory instruction in the truths of the Orthodox faith), as well as to be baptized and anointed. Technically, it takes from one day to a much longer period of time to convert to Orthodoxy. Now let us discuss this in more detail.
Conversion to Orthodoxy from Catholicism and non-Chalcedonian churches
Catholics and non-Chalcedonians can convert to Orthodoxy quicker than representatives of other Christian denominations. All it takes is speaking with a priest (to determine the conformity of your faith to Orthodoxy) and participating in the sacrament of Confession where you must renounce your past beliefs.
After Confession, unconfirmed Catholics must undergo the sacrament of Chrismation.
The convert’s unity with the Orthodox Church is ultimately manifested and affirmed in his participation in the Eucharist.
Old Catholics join the Orthodox Church in the same way.
Catholicism, like most Christian denominations and other religions, views conversion to Orthodoxy as a sin and betrayal of faith. You may therefore face misunderstanding and condemnation on the part of your former community.
Conversion to Orthodoxy from Protestantism
Due to the diversity of teachings within Protestantism, the requirements for its converts to Orthodoxy may vary.
If your denomination holds faith in the God-manhood of Christ and the Holy Trinity, baptising in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit with threefold immersion, pouring, or sprinkling of the water, then Repentance and Chrismation will be sufficient for your conversion.
However, baptisms performed in certain denominations will not be recognised. For example, Jehovah’s Witnesses baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. At the same time, they neither recognize Jesus as God and the Son of God, nor perceive the Holy Spirit as a separate Divine Person. Such baptism, although outwardly correct, is false in its essential nature and cannot be recognized.
For this reason, Jehovah’s Witnesses and members of similar communities, where the doctrine of the Trinity and the Divine Humanity is distorted, convert to Orthodoxy by receiving the holy Baptism.
Conversion to Orthodoxy from non-Christian Religions
The requirements in this case are the same as for the pagans of antiquity. Non-Christians join the Holy Church through Baptism and become confirmed through subsequent participation in the sacraments. As a rule, in such cases, a catechization is necessary before Baptism.
Universal Chart
If you are still not sure what to do, refer to the following diagram:
Christian denominations that have preserved the apostolic succession, correct Baptism and Chrismation: Roman Catholicism, Old Catholicism, ancient Eastern non-Chalcedonian Orthodox churches (the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Coptic Orthodox Church, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and others).
Christian denominations that have preserved the correct Baptism: Baptist, Pentecostal, Lutheran and Anglican churches.
Why Convert to Orthodox Christianity?
In Matthew 16:18, Christ speaks about building His church that “the gates of Hades will not prevail against”. He mentions one Church, not many. The Orthodox Church is the only Church, originally founded by Christ and still retaining the apostolic succession and the undistorted teaching of the Lord and the apostles. Only in it, the truth is preserved in fullness.
Hi i was drawn to the coptic church in cairo in the 1990s. I was working rebuilding power transformers at the time. I was babtized in the presbetirian church in th 60s. Im interested in the roots st mark put in to start the coptic church. Thank you for a reply.
Greetings! Maybe these articles will be helpful:
The Teachings and Practices of the Coptic Orthodox Church
Some Facts about the Liturgical and Church Life of Coptic Christians
An EXCELLENT WEBSITE! The blessings of the Lord be upon all Converts!
I feel drawn to the Orthodox Church, I want to find the true Christian church, I listen to Mar Mari Immanuel and I believe he speaks the truth, I was christened in the church of Ireland, I haven’t been to church for years. 30 years ago I went to a Pentecostal church, I did get baptised there although looking back I think that maybe all the praise and worship may have played on my emotions.
Greetings! Thank you for sharing your story! Maybe these articles will be helpful:
Fragments of Orthodoxy in English Popular Tradition
12 Things I Love About Orthodoxy
Why Orthodoxy Is not a Religion
10 Simple Tips for New Believers in Orthodoxy
I feel drawn to the Orthodox church, I have been studying Greek online and a non practicing Catholic, my wife divorced me and I don’t take the eucharist in the RC church. Are divorcees allowed communion in the Greek orthodox church?
Thank you
The 48th Apostolic Canon states: If any layman put away his wife and marry another, or one who has been divorced by another man, let him be excommunicated. Therefore, as long as he is in a relationship with a third person (lover) and has not repented, he cannot partake of Holy Communion. This is called adultery.
If a person has destroyed a family, this is a grave sin that deprives him of the right to partake of Holy Communion until repentance. If he also starts a relationship with another person after this, his sin only gets worse.
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