Mickey Rourke Plays in the Film about Orthodox Saint

Actor Aris Servetalis, who plays St. Nektarios.

The life and struggles of St. Nektarios of Aegina, the “saint of our century,” will soon come to life on the big screen, in a new international production entitled “Man of God.”

“Exiled unjustly, convicted without trial, slandered without cause, yet his love for God and his fellow men conquered all. Man of God depicts the tribulations of Saint Nektarios of Aegina, as he bears the unjust hatred of his enemies, while preaching the Word of God and wishing good to everyone”, — production company Simeon Entertainment describes the film.

Filming on Yelena Popovic’s Man of God began on June 8. A second round of shooting in Greece then began in early September, including the scene where Hollywood legend Mickey Rourke plays a paralyzed man who was healed by the great wonderworking saint.

Director Yelena Popovic and Mickey Rourke, who plays a paralyzed man.

Hollywood legend Mickey Rourke recently sat down for an interview with the Orthodoxia News Agency to discuss his role in the film, “Man of God,” on the life of the great 20th-century wonderworker St. Nektarios of Aegina, which is currently begin filmed in Greece, and miracles he has experienced in his own life.

Rourke plays a paralyzed man who was healed in the hospital by St. Nektarios.

During the interview, he explained that he agreed to take a role in the film after speaking with the screenwriter and director Yelena Popovich, saying he “could tell her heart and integrity were in the right place. It wasn’t a movie about making money… It has spirituality, integrity… She very much does films that she believes in, not films to make millions of dollars.”

The film is being shot in honor of the 100th anniversary of St. Nektarios’ repose, and according to Popovic’s calculations, it is set to be released in December.

Source: orthochristian.com

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