Dry Lilies Blossomed in Krasnogorsk Monastery Eighth Time in a Row

The miracle happens every year on Holy Trinity Day.

Dry lilies under a glass cover of the Joy of All Who Sorrow icon, located in a church of Krasnogorsk All Saints Monastery (Mukachevo, Zakarpattia Oblast, Ukraine) have blossomed again, eighth time in a row, according to m-church.org.ua

There is a tradition in that monastery to hold a moleben in front of the Joy of All Who Sorrow icon on the fifth day of Easter, i. e., the feast day of the Life-Giving Spring icon of the Mother of God. Every year on that day, monks take dry lilies out of the kiot and put new lilies into the kiot upon sprinkling them with holy water. The new lilies, which also dry up during the Eastertide, start blossoming again by the Pentecost.

“There is neither water nor soil here. But there is our prayer,” Archimandrite Hilarius (Gavrilets), the namestnik of the monastery, comments on the miracle.

The monks first placed lilies under the glass in 2012 at the request of parishioners who saw a news report about the same miracle in v. Kulevcha, Saratsk Raion, Odessa Oblast. They put the flowers under the glass by Easter and they dried up. White lilies sprouted out of dry stems by Holy Trinity Day. The flowers don’t have any water or soil but the monks read an Akathist to the Mother of God every day. They give last year’s lilies to the parishioners. Some parishioners brew the petals and share stories about miraculous help they receive from the Mother of God.

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