On July 18th, 2018 the feast day of the convent was celebrated, commemorating the Holy Royal Martyr Grand Duchess Elisabeth – the patron saint of the convent.
The Divine Liturgy was served in the church in honor of St. Elisabeth by the spiritual father of the convent and sisterhood in honor of St. Elisabeth convent –Archpriest Andrew Lemeshonok. Several guest from other parts of Belarus and Russia served with him. Guests and pilgrims from Russia, Austria and France prayed together with sisters and parishioners during the Liturgy. There were also over 1000 people who confessed and partook of the Holy Mysteries! While the cross procession around the convent after the liturgy stretched for hundreds of meters.
During the procession a member of the visiting clergy proclaims “Christ is Risen!” three times. This along with many other moments became a true testimony of the joy which everyone who was present felt on this bright and holy day.
“I find true solace, inspiration and strength while visiting your convent” said Abbess Daria, guest from the city of Slonim and the abbess of the Holy Annunciation Monastery. Mother Daria is a former sister of the mercy of our sisterhood, and was also tonsured and resided in St. Elisabeth Convent. For her, as for everyone who is associated with St. Elisabeth Convent, Holy Royal Martyr Grand Duchess Elisabeth is a source of inspiration when it comes to true love, mercy and courage.

July 18, 2018
St. Elisabeth Convent