April 8, 2022 989 0 Exploring the Variety of the Icons of the Annunciation The narrative of Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos has been present in Christian iconography since the times of early Christianity, starting from the…
February 14, 2022 244 0 The Most Important Meeting in Your Life There will be many meetings in your life, and you will not always be able to pay attention to them. However, there will be…
January 19, 2022 133 0 Trinity at the Jordan River. What Was God’s Message to Us? We are connected with God, kin to God, and lonely without God One day we were brought to church and baptized. Some of us…
January 5, 2022 194 0 8 Paremias that Are the Most Important Thing on Christmas Eve Unfortunately, since most Orthodox Christians have to work on Christmas Eve, they do not have the opportunity to attend Vespers with the Liturgy of…
January 3, 2022 1409 0 Royal Hours Explained The Hours are four relatively brief prayer services of the Daily Cycle that mark the various hours of the day, corresponding to principal events…
December 28, 2021 1342 1 7 Main Christmas Hymns and Their Meaning Many in the West have met Christmas and are well into Christmastide. For the faithful of the Russian Orthodox Church, Christmas is just around…
September 26, 2021 429 0 What Does Pouring Water over the Cross on the Feast of the Exaltation Mean? Question: Why is water poured over the cross during the evening service on the Feast of the Exaltation? Does this act have a symbolic…
September 21, 2021 265 0 The Nativity of Our Most Holy Theotokos In Iconography The Holy Scripture of the New Testament says little about the Blessed Virgin and contains absolutely no information about Her Nativity. The church however…
September 10, 2021 94 0 The Beheading of John the Baptist Mark 6:14–30 Acts 13:25–31 Today, the Church commemorates in prayer the end of the glorious life journey of John the Baptist. His death was…
July 12, 2021 125 0 Thoughts on the Heights and Depths of Human Soul Memory of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul John 21: 15-25 Matthew 16: 13-19 2 Cor. 11: 21-12: 9 On the feast of the holy supreme Apostles we recall the Gospel scene…