April 29, 2017 133 0 The Myrrhbearing Women and the Christian Women of Today As you know, the third Sunday after Easter is the Sunday of the Myrrhbearing women, or the Sunday of the faithful women, keepers of…
April 26, 2017 526 0 What is a Radonitsa? On this day, the Tuesday of St. Thomas week, according to the order instituted by our Holy Fathers, we call to remembrance, in Paschal…
April 14, 2017 207 2 The Meaning of the Great and Holy Friday Holy Friday, also known as Good Friday, Black Friday, Great Friday, is a holy day observed by Christians commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ…
April 6, 2017 240 0 Analyzing the Iconography of the Annunciation Written sources The iconography of the Annunciation derives primarily from the canonical Gospels of Matthew and (above all) Luke (1:26-38), but also from…
March 12, 2017 131 0 Light for the World: the Life of St. Gregory Palamas On the second Sunday of Great Lent, there is a great feast in the blessed city of Thessalonika, Greece. It is the feast of…
February 23, 2017 122 0 Maslenitsa: The Cheesefare Week Maslenitsa, also known as Butter Week, Pancake week, or Cheesefare Week, the Russian religious and folk holiday. Perhaps the most cheerful holiday in…
January 29, 2017 1693 0 The Story and Miracles Concerning the Veneration of the Chains of Apostle Peter Herod Agrippa, the grandson of Herod the Great and king of the Jews, grew wroth against the Church of Christ, and slew James, the…
May 5, 2016 56 1 Quick Facts: Learn About The Bright Week and Tell Us Your Facts, Traditions and Stories… The first week after the Resurrection of our Lord or Pascha is called The Bright Week. There is no lent throughout the week even…
February 12, 2016 80 0 43 Different Icons, Frescoes and Paintings: The Meeting of Our Lord Icons, Frescoes and Paintings of The Meeting of Our Lord 432-440. Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore 7th Century. Santa Maria foris portas in…