June 21, 2020 134 0 All Saints of Russia and America The present feast is an extension, or a prolongation of that one, with the exception that today we concentrate our attention and praise on…
June 20, 2020 969 0 How to Defeat Evil? Evil is not an abstract philosophical category. It is always tied to a specific spiritual entity. You can defeat it if you know one…
June 19, 2020 651 1 Practical Tips: How to Make the Right Choice of an Orthodox Spouse? First of all, you should figure out what Orthodoxy is for him/her. To begin with, it is enough to look at the pages of…
June 17, 2020 197 0 Saint Of Travellers St. Botolph (also Botulf) is one of the most venerated saints in Eastern England and one of the greatest English missionaries in the 7th…
June 17, 2020 633 0 Holy Fathers on Marriage As it is impossible that a man who is chaste despises his wife and ever neglects her, so it is impossible that a man…
June 16, 2020 1122 4 Was Jesus a Revolutionary? Myth Some people say that Jesus was a revolutionary and that because of this He was punished by the authorities. Therefore, it is…
June 16, 2020 742 2 The Relics Of The Saints One element of the practice of the Orthodox Church that is particularly troubling to many of those who are outside, particularly in contemporary Western…
June 15, 2020 940 1 King Solomon on Dealing with Fools He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame: and he that rebuketh a wicked man getteth himself a blot. Reprove not a scorner,…
June 13, 2020 1762 0 May an Orthodox Christian Celebrate Their Birthday? “It would be good to say a prayer to the Lord on your birthday. You should not just read it, but feel it” Bishop…
June 12, 2020 124 0 “Seven Times Shall He Rise Again” “So the Lord said to Joshua, ‘Rise up! Why is it that you have fallen on your face?’” (Jos 7:10) A man asked a…