Father Alexander's Family

“We Didn’t Hold a Grudge Against God despite the Shock”: A Story of a Terrible Diagnosis, Acceptance, and a Miracle

Father Alexander's Family
Father Alexander’s Family

Once, my wife Elena went for a routine scan at 30 weeks pregnant. By then, we already had one healthy child, everything was going smoothly, and we had no worries. Suddenly, the doctor gave us not just bad news, but a truly terrifying diagnosis – intrauterine infection. Our baby was expected to be born severely affected by the infection. I tried to comfort Elena as best as I could, but you understand, hearing such news is devastating for a young woman.

Despite the shock, we didn’t hold a grudge against God. We accepted the heavy news as it was. Later, we heard that a fragment of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord had been brought to the Kiev Caves Lavra. I told my wife, “Let’s go! Whatever will be, will be.” And so we went. Everyone around us couldn’t understand how Elena could travel so far along in her pregnancy. But we knew it was necessary. At the Lavra, we managed to pray and venerate the relic. Then we hurried home – a follow-up scan was scheduled in two weeks.

The doctor did not recognise my wife when she returned and, after the examination, asked in surprise, “Why did you come back?” Elena, equally puzzled, reminded him that he had scheduled the follow-up ultrasound and handed him the previous tests along with the grim diagnosis. He said, “I don’t see any of this! The baby is perfectly healthy.” In two weeks, our child, who was supposed to be born in a very serious condition, unexpectedly became healthy. When labour started, the doctors took blood as a precaution and sent it urgently to the lab because the previous diagnosis was extremely serious. It turned out that the infection was indeed present in Elena’s blood, but miraculously, it hadn’t affected the baby!

Father Alexander's Family
Father Alexander’s Family

Twenty-three years have passed since then. Our daughter Barbara is finishing university. What happened was undoubtedly a miracle. I remember when we first heard about the terrible diagnosis; we felt complete acceptance of God’s will. Perhaps the best way to express our thoughts and feelings at that time are the words of long-suffering Job: “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord!” (Job 1:21). One of the most important traits of a Christian is the ability to accept everything from God’s hand, both good and difficult, fully entrusting oneself to His will.

Translated by The Catalogue of Good Deeds
Source: https://foma.ru/nesmotrja-na-shok-my-ne-zataili-obidy-na-boga-istorija-o-strashnom-diagnoze-prinjatii-i-chude.html

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  1. Thank you so much dear Fr Alexander, for sharing this amazing story and miracle! Everything the Lord does is good!

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