In the Gospel of Mark, the Lord explains to the disciples the parable of the sower (see: Mark 4: 10-23). This episode gave me some thoughts. I often walk across a field now. That field looks different at separate times. I saw it when the snow was still melting, and the small shoots were showing through. Then I saw the young green crops sprouting on it; which soon turned into spikelets, became filled with vigor and turned yellow. Later I saw the harvesters mowing them. Now this field is out-of-crop soil, which means that it is taking a rest. This land seems to have fulfilled its purpose.
Each of us also has his or her own purpose in life that we must fulfil. We sometimes live like weeded garden-beds, without even trying to find our purpose. But if we start looking for it, we will probably see the mission that each of us has to accomplish. If we manage it, then we will probably feel real peace inside; the feeling that the most important thing in our life has come true. But if we fail it, then we will never find this inner peace.
This is why it is very important that we seek the meaning and the purpose of our inner life. It is different for everyone. This difference is so big, that it can be confusing. Looking at those around him, one might think that nothing important is happening in his life compared to other people’s achievements. This is where we really need the Lord to educate us and help us find the meaning and the goal within ourselves. God willing, each of us will find this hidden treasure, for if we do, we will gain the fullness of life. All our sorrows, trials and inconveniences will then become less tragic for us. This is important. May God help us all.
Translated by The Catalogue of Good Deeds