The Bible tells us that Holy Prophet Moses shone like the sun after his conversation with God. He had to cover his face to be able to talk with the people. That’s the kind of light we all should carry, even if to a different extent. We all take communion, i.e., receive Christ. That is why I’d like us to send this light forth from our hearts and our eyes, so that it wouldn’t turn into a smoky candle-end or die out completely. It is vital that this light continues to shine and that people around us could see the further road. That’s the task that we all should accomplish.
We go home after the Liturgy. I doubt that any one of us will be able to shine like Moses but at least people should be able to get a little warmth from us when we come home or to our workplace. We should look at them with kind eyes, and say some simple but warm words to them. It might not be extremely spiritual but if we have at least some of that light inside, it’s great. That’s our small step towards God.
More often than not we attend a Liturgy, take communion and leave the church – and our usual life keeps going, and you’ll never be able to tell what was going on with us while we were in the church. I’d like us all to be able to see the result of our prayer. It isn’t good if one comes to a Midnight Office at 5 AM and all his or her thoughts are for the priest to finish it as soon as possible because it is hard to stand upright. I’d like our worship to make an imprint on our appearance. I’d like each one of us to receive strong faith, strong hope, and big love from the Lord, so that even people around us could feel it – that is, this unique vitality.
Let me tell you a story, which happened to me. A man approached me on the street and asked me, “Can I touch you?” I was wearing an undercassock. “Well yes, you can…” Everyone has this urge to touch something good and holy; and I don’t mean myself, I mean my clothes. I’d like our spiritual condition to be seen from afar. We shouldn’t be gloomy and miserable; instead, we should be shining from inside. People desperately need us to touch God. How can they touch God if they don’t see our love, faith, and hope? Our duty doesn’t actually boil down to going to church and reading aloud morning and evening prayers. In fact, our duty is to be able to say the words of Apostle Paul, Not I, but Christ liveth in me (Gal. 2: 20).