A natural desire of a normal person is to become better and, consequently, to live better. We are not always satisfied with ourselves and with our behavior. And this is a good sign. Enjoying yourself is the sign of degradation and the unwillingness to grow and develop yourself.
However, people will never manage to change their life through hate, spite and conviction. We change for the better only though love and forgiveness. Hatred damages our heart not only spiritually, but on the physical level, too. Spite destroys our identity, our organism. All the necessary forces can be given by peaceful spirit only, by a loving and kind heart.
These are the changes we should reach to, cutting off everything bad and planting good. It is just like weeding and cleaning flowerbeds: we pull all the weeds with their roots, clean the place from the last year leaves, then plant some beautiful flowers and sow the seeds. And of course, any flowerbed needs a regular care.
If only we devoted at least a small portion of our time to caring for our soul and pulling weeds from it – bad thoughts, hatred, revenge – just imagine how we would transfigure and how the world around would change then.
A person wants to live among the beautiful and primeval nature, but they are constantly destroying it; a person wants to swim in pure watersheds and drink clean water, but they intentionally pollute it. People want to breath with the fresh air, but they pollute it with wastes, too.
We want to become better and live better, but we do nothing for this. We only shake the air with our dissatisfaction and protests. It is in our power not to turn into dumps, filled with the rubbish of offenses, greed, hypocrisy and spite. For this we need only one thing – obedience. Trust the Lord, listen to His advice – and then your life will become better indeed.
Translated by The Catalog of Good Deeds
Source: https://pravlife.org/ru/content/pochemu-nenavidet-i-zlitsya-opasno
Source: https://pravlife.org/ru/content/pochemu-nenavidet-i-zlitsya-opasno