March 1, 2021 128 0 Patience. A Story from the Paterikon About a monk going from one monastery to another, unable to tolerate the vexation caused by the brethren There are people who always look…
October 13, 2020 277 0 I Met an Angel at Jordanville Once I met an angel at Jordanville once. That angel took the time to correct and challenge me to see the beauty, the holiness, in every person…
September 11, 2020 417 0 The Parable of the Growing Seed and Its Meaning to Our Lives Mark 4:24 – 34 2 Corinthians 12:20–13:2 The Lord gave the following description of the Kingdom of Heaven: “This is what the kingdom of…
July 16, 2020 169 0 Is It True That It Is Not a Sin to Deceive People Whose Faith Is Different from Ours? (The story of a Christian who took gold from a Jew and swore to him that he hadn’t). Whatever faith a person may be,…
April 30, 2020 299 0 Both Sorrow and Joy Can Serve for Salvation “Two monks once fell into a grave sin. But, in time, they repented and said: “Well, what benefit have we received by leaving the…
September 3, 2019 289 0 Even Alms Cannot Save the Unrepentant (A story of some fornicator who gave alms but did not stop practicing fornication. Prolog) Be aware, brethren, that alms distributed by the deceased…
May 31, 2019 3274 0 Stop Saying “Glory to God for All Things!”: a Personal Story of a Hardened Atheist A testimony offered by Hieromonk Synesios: “A few years ago, I was the parish priest of St. Vasileios church (Piraeus) and was called to…
April 1, 2019 303 0 Benefits of Our Prayers for the Dying Fragment of a homily by Saint Gregory the Pope of Rome about a monk who was almost swallowed by a serpent but was released…
March 21, 2019 223 0 – “What’s Your Father’s Name?” – “The Satan!” A priest was walking down the street and met a five- or six-year-old boy. The boy was barefoot with soiled legs, disheveled hair, and…
March 5, 2019 91 0 Storms of Life or Why You Need to Be Always Prepared Spiritually Many years ago, a farmer owned land along the Atlantic seacoast. He constantly advertised for hired hands. Most people were reluctant to work on…