March 7, 2018 110 2 Seven Parables and Stories for the Week: Issue 24 The Dispassion of a Stone Abba Ammon went to Abba Anthony one day. They had a conversation aboutsoul-nurturing things. Abba Anthony predicted to…
February 21, 2018 75 1 Seven Parables and Stories for the Week: Issue 22 An Eagle and a Rooster An eagle was soaring in the sky and enjoying the beauty of the world. The eagle was thinking, “I…
October 12, 2017 130 1 Seven Stories and Parables for the Week: Issue 4 There was a young boy who was walking with his parents in the woods one day. He saw a clean brook. He drank some…
August 29, 2017 319 1 Iconography and History of the Image Of Christ Not Made By Hands While Christ still walked the earth, word about the Word spread far and wide. A certain Syrian king called Abgar came to hear and…