Several years ago, the daughter of my friends spent a long time unconscious in an American hospital. Thank God, everything turned out just fine, but at that time we were really scared.
Of course, the girl’s parents were with her almost all the time, but sometimes they also had to leave. Therefore, when the situation began to improve and the girl began to gradually come to her senses, they asked some of their friends to be with her in the ward just in case.
My turn also came.
To be honest, I was afraid. What if something happens and I won’t be able to help her? What if she opens her eyes at this very moment? And all these “what if” persistently climbed into my head – despite the understanding that that was a wonderful hospital, where doctors immediately came to the rescue.
I spent about an hour in the ward. And after that I didn’t want to leave. No, nothing happened: the girl was asleep all this time, and I was reading some kind of children’s book, I guess, about St. John of Kronstadt.
At some point, I felt that someone else was invisibly present in the room. I did not see or hear anything unusual, but in my soul I had such a feeling as if I were at the Divine Liturgy. The feeling of prayer seemed to be in the air.
When an hour later they came to replace me, I felt as if I had spent this time at church.
A couple of days later, the girl’s dad called me.
— Is it you who left a next-to-skin cross in our ward? — he asked me.
— No, it’s not.
— At the most difficult moment, we suddenly saw a small cross on our daughter’s pillow, — said my friend. — We asked everyone who was there — no one admitted. And when everything began to improve, this cross disappeared as incomprehensibly as it appeared.
Much water has flown under the bridge since then. I still don’t know where this cross came from. And by the way, recently my friend have said that no one never found it. But I have a firm feeling that then in the hospital ward besides us there was invisibly someone else. And, as daring as it sounds, I think I feel Who it was.
Translated by The Catalogue of Good Deeds
Source: https://foma.ru/vdrug-my-uvideli-u-docheri-na-podushke-malenkij-krestik-eto-sluchilos-v-amerikanskoj-bolnicze.html