A: The Orthodox believe that Sabbath is Saturday (to this day, the Greek word for Saturday is pronounced ‘sabbado’ – as is the case in many other languages). Hence, Saturday is the old Sabbath and Sunday is the Lord’s Day or the Day of Resurrection. In the Orthodox tradition, Saturday always has the feastly character of the Jewish sabbath; it is never a strict fasting day. Moreover, it has always been the liturgical practice to serve Divine Liturgy both on Sabbath and the Lord’s Day, and this remains the case in Orthodox monasteries.
However, Christians are not under the Law and they are not subjects of the Old Creation. The old Sabbath was the seal of the old creation, whereas Sunday is seal of the New Creation, the first or eighth day. For this reason, Gentile Christians have never been bound by Sabbatical laws on the old Sabbath.
You mention gentile Christians. What about Jews who become Orthodox Christian?
you say “However, Christians are not under the Law and they are not subjects of the Old Creation. The old Sabbath was the seal of the old creation, whereas Sunday is seal of the New Creation, the first or eighth day. For this reason, Gentile Christians have never been bound by Sabbatical laws on the old Sabbath. ” Does this imply the Commandment to keep God’s day holy(the Saturday Sabbath was replaced by a Sunday Sabbath?) If so where does the Bible say that?
That’s what I’m trying to figure out too? Have you found out as yet
There is no Biblical text that says the Sabbath observance was ever done away with by God.
Can anyone show me in the Bible? Where the Sabbath Day was changed from Saturday to Sunday the Lords Day. Sunday as i understand from history was a day pagans observed when worshiping the sun.
From further reading of history Constantine change the Sabbath to Sunday to keep the pagans happy while trying to get the Christians on side. All i need is proof from Gods word the Bible. And about the old Law which was Moses law was done away at the cross when Jesus gave up his life for our sins.
While Jesus walked the earth preaching the Gospel he said I did not come to change the law but to full fill the law. The law is the Ten Commandments from the beginning to the end. (1John 5 v2)
Hmm.My understanding is that even the Orthodox kept Sabbath and the Lord’s day for as long as the 16th centuriy. Hat stuck a knife in its importance was St. Gregory Palamas’ introduction of theosis. The 8th day being a day of completed, renewed creation, Saturday Sabbath was relegated to just being an on-fasting day, as well as a day when DL can be served. Sabbath now represented incomplete creation and so was downplayed.
What about Constantine changing the sabbath to accommodate the pagans?
Well, also, there is the Apostolic Council of Jerusalem. A group called the Judaizers had been requiring Gentile converts to convert to Judaism first before becoming Christian and the rules were fuzzy about how much of the Law of Moses applied to the Church. The Apostles decided that none of the Law was mandatory for the Gentiles except for a few specific provisions which are probably referring to the Noachide laws, the laws given by God to Noah. Thus, the commandment regarding the Sabbath rest does not apply to Christians in the legal sense. However, the Church has made Sunday the Lord’s Day and observes it as a holy day and day of rest so that nothing that interferes with Church should be undertaken.