August 3, 2016 450 1 He Was Taken to Heaven Alive in a Fiery Chariot Saint Prophet Elijah is one of the greatest prophets and the first Old Testament’s celibates – was born in Galaadian Fesvia and was from…
August 2, 2016 986 0 The Originator of Faith: St. Olga and Her Path to Orthodoxy “The Originator of Faith” and “the Root of Orthodoxy” – that is how people called Saint Princess Olga many years ago. Her baptism was…
August 1, 2016 163 0 A Few Words about Saint Seraphim of Sarov Saint Seraphim of Sarov was canonized in 1903, 70 years after his death. Saint Seraphim, who was much respected while alive, became one of…
July 11, 2016 11208 1 The Holy Apostles Peter and Paul: the Maps of the Apostles’ Travels Saint Apostles Peter and Paul have been honored since the day of their execution. The place where they were buried was sacred for the…
July 8, 2016 125 0 Brief and Extended Life Stories of St. Peter and St. Fevronia Short Synopsis Saint Prince Peter (David as a monk) and Saint Princess Fevronia (Euphrosyne as a nun) are wonderworkers from Murom. Saint Prince Peter…
June 28, 2016 475 2 Famous Icon Painters: Andrei Rublev Andrei Rublev, a famous medieval painter of orthodox icons and frescos, is considered the pride and glory of Russian culture. The name of Rublev…
June 16, 2016 1143 0 What Is Mary Magdalene Holding in Her Left Hand? Similar to the apostles Mary Magdalene traveled to spread the teachings of Christ. Her travels eventually took Mary Magdalene to Rome, where because of…
March 22, 2016 123 0 Forty Martyrs of Sebaste The holy, glorious and right-victorious Forty Martyrs of Sebaste are a group of Roman soldiers who became martyrs for their Christian faith in 320….
December 23, 2015 6105 2 41 Quotes, phrases and teachings of St.Basil the Great Take a look at this icon in the catalog >> For the upcoming, feast of St. Basil the Great(January 1st). Some of his quotes,…
September 30, 2015 378 0 The Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope and Love and Their Mother, Saint Sophia The Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope and Love were born in Italy. Their mother, Saint Sofia, was a widow and pious Christian. She called her…