April 13, 2022 1360 1 Where Was the Dwelling of the Virgin Mary? From a young age, the Virgin Mary lived in Nazareth. Her annunciation took place in this city. Here, she gave birth to Jesus. But…
March 4, 2022 170 0 Jesus Prophesied the End of the World and Repeated His Prophecy Multiple Times. Why Has Not It Materialised? What Did He Mean? Question: Jesus promised the end of the world during the lifetime of His contemporaries. He repeated his prediction several times. Why has not it…
December 19, 2021 1539 0 It Is Known that Satan Tempted Jesus in the Desert. But What Is the Point of Tempting the Impeccable God? Jesus Christ is true God and true man. False teachings (known as heresies) about the person of Christ began to appear as early as…
August 19, 2021 91 0 About the Kingdom of Heaven. Transfiguration Matthew 17: 1-9 2 Pet. 1: 10-19 The Lord spoke much about the Kingdom of Heaven. In His first sermon He said that it…
July 3, 2021 428 0 Why Does Jesus Never Call Himself God? And Since He Is, How Can He Be Human at the Same Time? Modern readers of the Bible are often let down by their ignorance of the Old Testament Jewish culture and the biblical context. The Jews…
May 16, 2021 367 0 On Women Who Became Greater Than Men The third Sunday after Pascha is dedicated not to the apostles or any famous saints glorified for their great acts and podvigs, but to the…
May 10, 2021 151 0 What It Was that Saved Thomas Thomas had a heart that had taken one too many beatings. Despite his often being stigmatized by later generations as “Doubting Thomas” there is…
April 25, 2021 104 0 Palm Sunday: Where are You in the Crowd? Come away with me; let us leave our world and travel back together to the first Palm Sunday in the first century. Stepping out…
February 27, 2021 88 0 The Power of the Gospel The loving God, Who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (see 1 Tim. 2: 4),…
February 8, 2021 219 0 Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov on Reading the Gospel When reading the Gospel, do not seek pleasure, exaltation or brilliant thoughts. Seek to see the infallibly holy Truth. When reading the Gospel, try…