September 18, 2020 572 0 Sin, Passion and Vice – What Is the Difference? In Greek ‘to sin’ means “to miss,” in the sense of missing or not reaching a goal. If a person is hungry, he can…
May 12, 2020 712 0 What Should We Do if the Sin That Has Been Confessed Continues to Disturb Our Consciences? What do you do if you have confessed a sin but it still bothers your conscience? Should you confess it again? Father Andrei Chizhenko…
November 20, 2019 150 1 From Hearsay to Social Media – a Tale of Rumor Spreading “Strong minds discuss ideas‚ average minds discuss events‚ weak minds discuss people.” – Socrates There is a story that circulates in Christian and Jewish circles about…
September 28, 2019 702 0 Original Sin Does the Orthodox Church recognize the original sin? The question may seem strange, because one can often read in popular and publicly available publications…
July 27, 2019 460 0 Is Our Idea of What Sin Really Is Right? “You sinner!” The preacher thundered from the pulpit in our small Pentecostal church, and, as a 10-year-old boy, he had me convinced. Yep, I…
May 15, 2019 7669 0 Lust and Its Various Types Lust is defined in our Antiochian Pocket Prayer Book as “impure and unworthy desire for something evil”. So sexual lust is only one kind…
April 18, 2019 285 0 Seven Deadly Sins: Sources and Results of Anger Anger is a complex sin. (Did I mention earlier that sins intermingle and build on each other in many ways?) Saint John of the Ladder quotes…
April 4, 2019 140 0 Seven Deadly Sins: Greed as the Besetting Sin of the Modern World I could almost, barely, slightly, kind of, well not really, tolerate Black Friday if I thought people were shoving and shouting, and this year…
March 26, 2019 735 0 Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony and What It Leads Us to C.S. Lewis, in his book Screwtape Letters, Chapter XVII, imagined a senior devil writing to a junior devil about how to tempt a certain Englishman: “One of our…
March 14, 2019 172 0 Pride: Why It Is the #1 among the Deadly Sins “There is one vice of which no man in the world is free; which every one in the world loathes when he sees it…