August 14, 2021 107 0 Fr. Andrew Lemeshonok: “Holiness Is a Whole New Life” Each of us has a heavenly patron praying for us before the throne of God. It takes faith to recognize a saint. Holiness cannot…
July 11, 2021 311 0 About the “Healthy” and “Unhealthy” Eye Matthew 6: 22-33 Rom. 5: 1-10 The Lord says, “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your…
July 2, 2021 56 0 What Makes Goodness Good? Mark 13: 1-8; 2 Pet. 1: 1-10 St Peter writes, “… You must make every effort to support your faith with goodness, and goodness…
June 14, 2021 67 0 United in Freedom John 14:27 – 15:7 The Lord describes the unity of people with God from various angles. In contrast with the one about the sheep…
June 2, 2021 70 0 God’s Helpers John 6:5–14 Acts 13:13–24 As we know from the Gospel, the Lord fed five thousand people who followed Him to the far shore of…
May 24, 2021 267 0 Salvation outside the Church Acts 10: 21-23 As Christians, we have chosen church as our path to eternal life. But is it really the only way? What about…
May 23, 2021 93 0 Sunday of the Paralytic Let me draw your attention to these three features of today’s Gospel readings. The first is the sheer horror of being in dire need…
April 29, 2021 88 0 St Luke of Crimea. Reflections on the Washing of the Feet The Last Supper of Christ is so mysterious, so deep and so infinitely important that our hearts become filled with trembling. During this Holy…
April 27, 2021 979 1 Self-Pity: a Devil’s Trick Preventing a Person from Showing His Full Potential Nothing destroys a person like self-pity. We have all experienced this feeling in one way or another. It instigates depression, inhibits development, makes a…
March 7, 2021 131 0 Fasting to Serve Christ in “The Least of These”: Homily for the Sunday of the Last Judgement Today we continue to prepare to follow our Lord to His cross and empty tomb at Pascha. Great Lent begins a week from tomorrow, and…