October 8, 2021 188 0 How to Respect a Saint or an Angel in North America? A Protestant friend of mine who is sympathetic to Orthodoxy and likes icons recently felt he had to draw the line. On a weekday service…
October 4, 2021 248 0 “Working Principle” of Spiritual Laws. Talks with Saint Paisios — Geronda, how do spiritual laws work? — I’ll explain: just as there are physical laws in nature, there are also laws in spiritual…
September 30, 2021 639 0 When the Prayer Is Right, All Is Right: 10 Selected Teachings on Prayer of Saint Theophan the Recluse 1. It is all very well to speak about forgiving other people’s wrongs when nothing goes against our will or hurts our self-esteem. Moreover,…
September 24, 2021 278 0 The Nature of God: Selected Quotes from Saint Silouan of Mount Athos It is not true that God is unjust; to say so would imply that there is an element of evil bad or unfairness in…
September 20, 2021 1429 0 3 Secrets of a Happy Marriage from Sts Peter and Febronia Sts Peter and Febronia are two spouses considered the patron saints of the Christian marriage. Their name day is commemorated as the Feast of…
September 16, 2021 287 2 Glorification of the Saints in the Early Christian Churches In the Russian Orthodox Church, canonisation is a form of confirmation of the sanctity of its members in the sacrament of glorification. Glorification is…
September 15, 2021 429 0 St. Paisios on Fear of Germs and Holy Things The following conversation that St. Paisios the Athonite had with one of his spiritual children, which is recorded in Elder Paisios of Mount Athos: Spiritual…
September 7, 2021 1071 0 Catholic Priest, Opponent of the Nazis and Orthodox Martyr. Saint Gorazd of Prague On 4 September the Church commemorates one of the most prominent saints of the previous century. His birth name is Matvej Pavlik. He was…
September 5, 2021 107 0 “In Their Infinite Wisdom Politicians and Journalists Sometimes Say Terrible Nonsense”. Elder Paisios of the Holy Mountain A nun once asked Elder Paisios of the Holy Mountain about the difference between simplicity and guile: – Geronda, is simplicity different from guile?…
September 2, 2021 828 0 Another Saint from the Romanov Family. St Anastasia of Kiev “Sorrows are the hidden mercy of God” – wrote St Tikhon of Zadonsk. Reading the life of St Anastasia we can see this quite…