July 9, 2020 596 1 May I Enter the Church Wearing Shorts? I guess it is allowed in exceptional cases. For example, you were driving in a car and you need to light up a candle…
June 20, 2020 980 0 How to Defeat Evil? Evil is not an abstract philosophical category. It is always tied to a specific spiritual entity. You can defeat it if you know one…
June 13, 2020 1969 0 May an Orthodox Christian Celebrate Their Birthday? “It would be good to say a prayer to the Lord on your birthday. You should not just read it, but feel it” Bishop…
April 29, 2020 379 0 How to Pray for Love: The Priest’s Opinion To begin with, in brief: for a Christian, praying for love always means praying for the family, and the prayer can be as simple…
April 29, 2020 1789 0 Orthodox How To: Why Do We Sing So Much? Why do we sing so much? It’s hard to find anything in Orthodox worship which isn’t sung. This is because traditional Jewish services were…
April 24, 2020 347 0 Questions You’ve Always Intended to Ask about Orthodox Worship but Never Got Around to It I originally intended this to be a short introduction to a new series on the Divine Liturgy, but somehow it got out of control,…
April 21, 2020 195 1 Paschal Lunacy I suspect that many Orthodox have shared the experience of inviting friends to the Paschal service only to be met with polite but stunned…
March 3, 2020 1267 0 How to Become Like Christ this Lent Forgiving is one of serious tests for people. Very serious, because at the moment a person forgives, he can become like Christ. In general,…
March 3, 2020 914 0 How to Deal with Physical Fatigue During Worship? Practical Tips A divine service is not a pleasant concert, it is a prayerful effort. After the Fall, everything good is difficult for a person, and…
January 2, 2020 595 0 The Sacraments and Rites of the Orthodox Church: What Is the Difference? To answer this question let us consult the Orthodox catechism. The word “catechism” in Greek means “teaching, instruction”. The term “catechism” in church literature…