April 13, 2023 1090 4 Are The Torments Of Hell And The Heavenly Bliss Eternal? Questions concerning divine justice and man’s ultimate destiny have always been equally important to theologians and philosophers, as well as to ordinary people. We…
May 11, 2021 1295 0 Layman’s Prayers for the Departed to Be Said at Home and at the Graveside Through the prayers of our holy fathers, O Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us. Glory to You, O…
May 10, 2021 641 1 Cremation and Non-Orthodox Family Question: “A lot of Orthodox are converts to the faith. Inevitably, we will have situations within the family that would seem to be at…
November 8, 2020 266 0 A Good Death I have this enduring memory. When I was young, I was fascinated with a real life news story about a man on death row….
November 7, 2020 311 0 How Can We Best Honor our Departed Loved Ones? We often see the relatives of the deceased spending large sums of money on luxurious monuments and other such attributes in their desire to…
November 6, 2020 694 1 Prayers for the Dead in the Bible and in Tradition Question: Where do we find any evidence that praying for the dead is a biblical? From what I have read it appears that the…
August 29, 2020 336 0 Does It Make Sense to Order the Commemoration of a Person at Several Churches at the Same Time? People who care about their deceased relatives often order commemoration service at several churches and monasteries. But one who orders a service can be…
June 28, 2020 412 0 Will There Be Frying Pans in Hell? The torments of Hell – 1) the torment of the souls of unrepentant sinners as a result of God’s vengeance on the one hand…
May 4, 2020 2572 0 The Holy Fathers on Death Even death is afraid to approach the one who fears God, and then only comes to him when told to separate his soul from…
March 28, 2020 377 2 On Death and Dying: Three Stories of Eternal Life On Demetrius Saturday, the Orthodox Church holds a special commemoration service for the reposed. We submit the names of all our Orthodox departed friends…