June 27, 2021 134 0 When Is Pity Not a Good Thing? We need to show mercy to other people, and yet we must be strict to ourselves. Self-pity can easily become an obstacle in our…
October 9, 2020 273 0 How an Orthodox Priest Saved Jews from the Holocaust The Holocaust is the mass genocide of Jews during the Second World War. During this time, the Nazis killed about 6 million people. The…
September 19, 2020 129 0 Not Yours, But You: Almsgiving in the Modern Age In the Gospels there are many “hard sayings” of our Savior. Of these hard sayings, there are also many which have been all but…
April 5, 2020 283 0 3 Practical Tips on Asceticism It is better not to perceive God as a severe supervisor but as the Giver of grace. That way you will be able to…
December 30, 2019 218 1 Patience: Key to Harmony in Family Life What are we to do when faced by an angry family member? Elder Paisios advises us to keep quiet and say the Jesus prayer….
July 25, 2019 139 0 Should a Christian Seek a Just Retribution? Question: We often hear in sermons that God is patient and does not punish many of sinners. And Christians are ordered to forgive those…
January 10, 2019 72 0 Some Simple Tips on Tithing Many faithful people strive to practice tithing, the voluntary giving back to Christ and His Church one tenth of the income with which we…
January 3, 2019 80 0 How Unpracticed Faith Turns to Atheism Unpracticed faith—that is, faith without works—St. James writes, is dead. It has no transformative or sanctifying power; it is intellectual assent that descends into…
November 12, 2018 226 0 St. Theophan the Recluse on Why Love Cannot Exist without Humility “Take up the sword of humility and meekness, hold it always in your hand, and mercilessly cut off the head of our chief foe.”…
October 1, 2018 75 0 Goodness: What Is Said in the Scripture about One of the Main Virtues In his list of virtues which comprise the fruit of Spirit working in one’s life, St. Paul lists that of “goodness” (Greek agathosune, αγαθοσυνη)…