September 25, 2019 494 0 Why Do We Not Keep the Old Testament Feasts? St. Paul was once intent upon visiting his new convert church in Corinth, and wrote them that he intended to visit them after passing…
September 20, 2019 421 0 Who’s Afraid of the Most Holy Virgin Mary? The veneration of the Virgin Mary has long been point of contention among Christians. Although it May be difficult to delineate a uniform position…
September 19, 2019 3354 0 The Virgin Mary’s “Sister,” Mary the Wife of Cleopas Question: “Did the Virgin Mary have a sister? Wasn’t She the only child of St. Joachim and St. Ann? However, in the Gospel of…
September 18, 2019 347 0 Biblical Roots of the Jesus Prayer It is remarkable to me how deeply biblical the Jesus Prayer is: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner.”…
August 6, 2019 100 0 The Faith of the Fishermen Conquers the Roman Empire The Book of Acts conveys the Early Church theology vividly. That book is permeated by the spirit of Easter joy of the Risen Christ…
July 30, 2019 259 0 How to Understand Difficult Bible Passages All Orthodox Christians are supposed to read the Holy Scriptures and learn God’s wisdom from it. However, if we do not just want to…
October 9, 2017 392 0 How to Understand the Passages Related to Violence in the Old Testament? Question: What are we to make of passages of Scripture in the Old Testament in which God commanded the Israelites to slaughter entire cities…