June 27, 2022 84 0 Jesus calls His Apostles Commentary on the Gospel According to Matthew by Saint Theophylact of Ochrid Matthew 4:18. As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he…
October 9, 2021 104 0 And unto the Angel of the Church of Russia Write… When the apostle Peter had already established the Church of God in Rome by his testimony, and St. Paul had planted Churches all throughout…
June 10, 2021 70 0 Luke’s Alternative Versions of the Timing of the Ascension in the Writings of Apostle Luke — Can We Make Sense of Them? Some of us may find it unbelievable, but in his writings, the Evangelist Luke appears to portray the Ascension of our Lord as an…
March 20, 2021 493 1 The Hidden Message of St John’s Gospel Studying the New Testament convinces me more and more of the uniqueness of the Gospel of John. It is for a reason that the…
November 27, 2020 4755 2 Why Is the Gospel of John the Only Book that Talks about the Resurrection of Lazarus? Part 1 John’s intent was not just to report the events, but to convey his key message: Jesus Christ is not just a teacher,…
October 20, 2020 609 0 “Isn’t It Cowardice to Beware of Diseases and Other Misfortunes?” Let’s Look at the Example of the Apostles Peter and Paul For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain: these famous words of the Apostle Paul (Phil. 1:21) have long become…
December 12, 2019 150 0 The Calling of the Apostles It is essential for us to realise the link there is between Christ and the apostles. […] If you read the Gospels you will…
October 9, 2017 413 0 The Theologian in Silence: Analyzing the Icon of St. John the Theologian Among all the Apostles, the title “Theologian” is only bestowed upon St John, which attests to the spiritual heights to which he attained, and…