February 18, 2016 222 0 A Brief History and Different The Seeker of the Lost Icons of the Mother of God Troparion: Seek us who are perishing, O Most Holy Virgin, chasten us not according to our sins, but as you are merciful in your…
February 12, 2016 80 0 43 Different Icons, Frescoes and Paintings: The Meeting of Our Lord Icons, Frescoes and Paintings of The Meeting of Our Lord 432-440. Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore 7th Century. Santa Maria foris portas in…
November 4, 2015 165 0 The History of the Feast Day of the Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan The image of Our Lady of Kazan is said to have come to Russia from Constantinople in the 13th century. After the Tatars…
September 10, 2015 159 1 A Few Words on the Technique of Iconography… An Icon is not just a painting with a religious meaning but rather a sacred image, which ascends to the Archetype; it is a…
September 8, 2015 59 0 Meeting of Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God Meeting of Vladimir icon of the Mother of God In 1395 Tamerlane and his Tatar forces entered the Russian land and moved against…
August 24, 2015 112 0 Three Icons of the Mother of God On Wednesday August 26, three miracle-working icons of The Mother of God are commemorated. They are the icon of the Mother of God of…
August 5, 2015 66 0 Icon of the Mother of God Of Pochaev Icons from the Workshops of St. Elisabeth Convent Today we commemorate the feast of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God. The…
July 21, 2015 75 13 The Finding of the Icon of Our Lady of Kazan The image of Our Lady of Kazan is said to have come to Russia from Constantinople in the 13th century. After a fire destroyed…