December 22, 2020 641 1 Yury Kuznetsov’s Icon-Painting School — a Unique Style in Modern Iconography Most schools of contemporary Orthodox iconography follow similar techniques and strictly defined canons while maintaining their own set of distinct approaches. The painting style…
December 17, 2020 no views 0 Athos — the Second Domain of the Mother of God In our article about the Four Domains of the Most Holy Theotokos we briefly told you the stories of their appearance. What happened in…
December 15, 2020 1825 2 Significant Numbers in Biblical Numerology The Books of Wisdom of Solomon presents the following account of the mystery of God’s creation: “Thou hast arranged all things by measure and…
December 12, 2020 534 0 Iberia – the First Inheritance of the Mother of God In our article about the Four Domains of the Most Holy Theotokos we briefly told you the stories of their appearance. What happened in…
December 8, 2020 2852 8 History of Iconography in Africa Christianity came to Africa as early as in the 1st century after Christ. It was preached in this part of the world by three…
December 4, 2020 1459 11 History of the Four Earthly Domains of the Most Holy Theotokos Today, there are four known places on earth, which the Mother of God, with the blessing of God Himself, has under her special protection….
December 1, 2020 1262 2 Knowing Christ through Cinema Films on topics of religion have always raised controversy. It is hard for a human to play Christ plausibly and genuinely. It is only…
November 26, 2020 824 0 “Love is Above Fasting!” Simple Stories with St Tikhon of Zadonsk During his long life, Saint Tikhon wrote many spiritual works. The present generation of believers continue to turn to them for consolation, admonition, and…
November 19, 2020 1210 0 Irina Yamashita. The First Japanese Icon Painter The Resurrection Cathedral is rising in the center of today’s Tokyo, ringing its bells to spread the good news that Orthodoxy lives here. The…
November 5, 2020 4208 11 Edith Piaf: Miraculous Healing and Conversion to Orthodoxy In December this year, the world will celebrate the 105th anniversary since the birth of the world-famous French singer and film actress Edith Piaf….